21 Days of Kindness
A ‘Lil Dose of Kindfulness
We all need some nudging when it comes to cultivating compassion for others and ourselves. These can be small hints and reminders that soothe the soul, like a cup of warm cocoa with marshmallows. My favored term is kindfulness, which means being aware of the present moment with heart. Now you can start each day with a little dose of kindfulness in your inbox. Sign up below.
By subscribing to 21 Days of Kindness, you will receive a short email each day with an inspirational affirmation about kindness. Each email will also include a daily practice or reflection to help you incorporate kindfulness into your everyday life.
It’s completely free, just like kindness. Daily notes will arrive into your inbox for only 3 weeks, which is about the time it takes for a new habit to take root. The more you do something or engage in a new activity, the greater the chances for neural networks in your brain to sprout. Nourish your brain with active ingredients to promote wellbeing and a kind mind.
What you do matters, so be intentional. Just like tending to a garden, your mind-body-spirit will flourish whenever you take in the good.
So kindred spirit, I invite you to kickstart kindness in your life and share with a friend. To join, subscribe below to receive daily inspiration straight to your inbox. You’ll also get a sneak peak of some of the beautiful cards my the Little Deck of Kindfulness, which was a labor of love.
Take gentle care,