Podcast & Meditations

Kind Minds Series (16 epidsodes) with Tara Cousineau, PhD

Hello and welcome to the Kind Minds podcast. Learn about brief practices to grow a kind mind, cultivate an open heart, and befriend the inner critic. This series is an invitation for you to cultivate kindfulness, which is being aware of the present moment with heart. So consider listening as a dose of kindfulness, or a compassion break for yourself to bring into your daily life.

InsightTimer App

You are invited to check out my meditations and audio course on the InsightTimer app. I just love participating in this global community. You will find thousands of other free meditations and guided visualizations to choose from. There are also wonderful audio courses to register for in the subscription product (which I highly recommend).

May you find peace, joy and compassion.

From Stressed to Blessed

Calling on a Kindred Spirit

Compassion When It’s Not Easy

Making Friends with Your Inner Critic

Making Friends with Your Body

Compassion From the Inside Out

A Loving-Kindness Meditation

Overcoming Perfectionism Through Self-Compassion (Audio Course)

You can also purchase my comprehensive audio course on KindMinds.co, which includes Overcome Perfectionism Through Self-Compassion Workbook and new e-book, Befriending the Inner Critic.